Domain _

Instant Domain Location Service

Domain IP, Country, City and More in Map View.

Comprehensive WHOIS Info

Access detailed domain registration information, including ownership, dates, and contact details instantly.

Real-Time Data Retrieval

Get up-to-date WHOIS data for any domain name, ensuring the most accurate and current information

Wide TLD Coverage

Perform WHOIS checks for a broad range of top-level domains (TLDs) seamlessly on our site.


What is domain location information?

How domain location checker works?

Domain location information refers to the geographic location of a domain's hosting server. It provides details about where a website is physically hosted.

Our site utilizes advanced IP geolocation technology to determine the approximate physical location of a domain's hosting server. This technology analyzes the IP address associated with the domain.
Domain location information can be useful for various reasons. It helps businesses and individuals understand where a website's server is located, which can impact factors like website performance, data privacy compliance, and targeted audience reach.
Yes, you can check the location of a wide range of domains using our site. Simply enter the domain name, and our system will provide you with the approximate location information associated with the domain's hosting server.
Our site strives to provide accurate and reliable domain location information. However, please note that the accuracy may vary depending on factors such as the availability and accuracy of IP geolocation databases.
While domain location information can be helpful for various purposes, it's important to consult legal and compliance experts for specific legal or regulatory requirements. Our site provides general location information and should not be considered as legal advice.
Our site provides the most up-to-date domain location information available at the time of the query. However, please note that server locations may change over time, and it's recommended to periodically check for the latest information if needed.